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Scientology vs. the Internet

As a testament to the scumbaggy, litigious nature of the Church of Scientology. We present you with this wikipedia link.


It gives a brief detail of just SOME of the nastiness that the Church has brought to our peaceful, serene interweb.

Scientology versus the Internet is the colloquial term for a long-running online dispute between the Church of Scientology and a number of the Church's online critics. Beginning in the early 1990s, the debate centers largely around the publication of internal, unpublished (to the public) documents written by its founder L. Ron Hubbard. The name is meant to suggest a legal case (i.e. "Scientology v. Internet"), and the assertion of the controversial organization fighting against "the Internet" in its entirety has humorous connotations.

In late 1994, the Church of Scientology began using various legal tactics to cease distribution of unpublished documents written by L. Ron Hubbard. The Church of Scientology is often accused of barratry (or malicious litigation and intimidation). The official church response is that its litigious nature is solely to protect its copyrighted works and the unpublished status of certain documents.

Some critics of the Church of Scientology claim that the church is a scam and that these "secret" writings are proof. The critics claim the documents contain evidence that the Church of Scientology's medical practices are illegal and fraudulent,[1] [2] though this has yet to be proven in a United States court of law. Some now believe that the Church of Scientology is abusing copyright law by launching lawsuits against outspoken critics of the organization.[3] [4]


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