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Scientology deleting myspace accounts

Our old friends at the Church of Scientology seem to have gained some control over who can have an account on myspace.
In recent months the Church of Scientology has had many accounts removed that were critical of them.
From the PR Newswire:

Since the explosion of myspace and it's being bought up by NewsCorp, it has become obvious to many that some Scientologists within myspace have been not only been untilising myspace to recruit the Generation Xers, but have been continually conspiring to have any and all pages removed that have factual based accounts of Scientology and its founder L Ron Hubbard.

Bulletins are sent out by Scientologists encouraging others to complain about 'religious freedom' and make complaints based on the directions of a select few who have read pages that carry many facts about the sordid and mafia-like tactics of the Church of Scientology. Here in brief is an excerpt of a Bulletin currently circulating and is directing fellow scientologists NOT to read specific profiles, but to just copy the bulliten and send it to the Administrators of myspace. The name of the originator of the person who is currently circulating this bulletin has been removed.

See also:


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