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ElRons Great Grand Son

a user has informed us that Jamie has changed his last name to his mothers maiden name, dewolf, to avoid confusion with Jamie Kennedy from TV.

This is by far one of my favorite $cientology related media pieces.
Before Jamie Kennedy was famous, he was an angst filled young man with a beef for his great grandpappy.
If a messiah can't even keep his family convinced (all of Hubbard's other spawns have left the chorch or committed suicide), how can anyone be convinced? Hopefully the folks currently interested in the Co$ are just in passing fancy and will sober up when the electrocution wears off.
The really great news is having some strong opposition in Hollywood.

The goods:


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 29, 2007 3:24 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Anderson Cooper dishes the dirt on the CoS.

The next post in this blog is Tom Cruise is officially the Jesus Christ of scientology..

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